Press & Media

Enjoy to Manage the Props Design in 2024 – Section 7

Jos persists in collaborating with World Watch Magazine and produces the vivid backdrops for various wristwatches. In Issue 183, Jos assembled scattered ice-blue puzzle pieces that subtly cool down the flaming summer, where different shades of blue intertwine to present a refreshing and dazzling vibe.

The four watches featured are from Franck Muller, IWC, Omega, and Rolex, each watch expressing its character with the icy blue theme and delivering a visually captivating experience.

Jos looks forward to creating more of these compelling sets in the future, immersing us in multi-dimensional visual delights.

在第183期《世界腕錶雜誌》中,Jos《約》延續與《世界腕錶雜誌》的合作,為不同腕錶襯托出活靈活現的佈景。冰藍的拼圖碎片不經意的散落著,為炎熱的夏日降温,清透和冷冽的藍相互輝映着,時而清冷,時而璀璨。四款腕錶分別為法穆蘭(Franck Muller) 、萬國錶(IWC) 、歐米茄 (Omega) 、勞力士 (Rolex) ,精美的品牌腕錶在冰冷的藍色中呈現出豐富的面貌,而且各有濃淡,為眼睛帶來消暑的感覺。Jos《約》期望未來能帶來更多精彩配搭,創造多重視覺享受。

#Wearableart #Wearable_art #wearableart

#LinaLam #Lina_Lam #Lina

#JosLinaLam #JosLina

#Jos_Lina_Lam #Jos_Lina

#WorldWristWatchMagazine #World_Wrist_Watch_Magazine

#IcyBlue #Icy_Blue

#XosbyJos #XosbyJos堯 #Xos_by_Jos #XosbyJos_堯 #堯

#Jos #Jos約 #Jos_約 #約



Enjoy to Manage the Props Design in 2024 – Section 6

Jos sincerely appreciates the recognition received from World Wrist Watch Magazine and eagerly looks forward to continuing the partnership. In Issue 181, Jos skilfully incorporates with different sovereign gold coins, collaborating the Eastern and the Western, using some precious yet luxurious gold coins and watches to enhance the splendour and festive atmosphere of the New Year. The magazine features exquisite watches from well-known brands such as Bulgari, Chopard, Omega, and Roger Dubuis, tagging on an element of elegance and awe. The combination of red and gold not only drives joyous spirit upon the watches but also states an aura of confidence and dignity. On top of that, it represents the plentiful traditions and blessings associated with the New Year. Jos wishes you a prosperous and joyous New Year, filled with good health, genuine happiness, and resounding success.
Jos《約》由衷感激《世界腕錶雜誌》的肯定,期待未來能繼續共創豐盛的成果。在第181期中,Jos《約》巧妙運用不同主權金幣作為佈景,結合東方與西方的合作,以珍貴且奢華的金幣和腕錶為新年增添貴氣和節慶氣氛。雜誌展示了寶格麗 (Bulgari)、蕭邦 (Chopard)、歐米茄 (Omega) 和羅杰杜彼 (Roger Dubuis) 等知名品牌的精緻腕錶,散發出華麗和令人驚嘆的魅力。紅色和金色的結合不僅為腕錶增添慶典的歡樂,亦能在穩重中帶出傲氣,同時也象徵著新年的傳統和祝福。Jos《約》祝願您在新的一年裡,身體健康,生活愉快,萬事勝意。

Jos 3rd interview at Dolce Vita Sep 2023

Jos was invited to be the interviewee of the television program “Dolce Vita”, which has been produced by Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB). The program has recently completed its broadcast on Pearl Channel and J2 Channel, and we are pleased to share some clips for viewing purposes.

Enjoy to Manage the Props Design in 2023 – Section 5

Jos is grateful for the acknowledgment from World Wrist Watch Magazine and looks forward to prolonging a constant collaboration. In Issue 179, Jos showcases the concept of watches through the image of art piece collection, creating a poetic harmony. The four watches featured are Christiaan van der Klaauw, Arnold & Son, Jaeger-LeCoultre, and Hermès, coordinated with “Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing”, “Queen Charlotte”, “Bathers”, and “Avenue de Clichy” respectively. Jos is delighted to seize this opportunity to showcase our profound appreciation for art pieces, perfectly aligned with the exciting new development of our company, Xos by Jos. Thus, this issue presents such artistic and poetic interpretations.
Jos《約》感謝《世界腕錶雜誌》對我們的肯定,並期望能與其保持持續的合作關係。在第179期中,Jos《約》藉由藝術畫藏品的影像展現腕錶的概念,創造出一種詩意的和諧。四款腕錶分別為葳鑠 (Christiaan van der Klaauw)、雅諾 (Arnold & Son)、積家 (Jaeger-LeCoultre) 和愛馬仕 (Hermès),它們分別與“Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing”, “Queen Charlotte”, “Bathers” 和“Avenue de Clichy” 相呼應。此期不但與《堯》Xos by Jos令人振奮的新發展完美交融,更讓我們把握機會,展現出對藝術品深切的欣賞和交流。因此,在這期雜誌中,我們注入了一點藝術詩意,以彰顯出我們對藝術的深刻體會。

Luxury Watcher

Xos by Jos is recently continuous to be featured in “Luxury Watcher” magazine where Ms. Lina Lam, the founder of Xos by Jos shared the fascinating story of Springbank, a famous distillery known for its long history and excellent products. Lina also mentioned the future plans for the brand, which includes a whisky cellar offering both regular drinking and collectible options. The single malt whisky collection is positioned as a high-quality and rare product for customers, who are interested in investing or enjoying exceptional whisky.
Lina introduced Springbank, one of Scotland’s oldest independent family-owned distilleries, renowned for its commitment to quality and diverse product line. As a whisky business enthusiast, She highlighted the exceptional qualities and attributes of Springbank’s revered product line.
Moving forward, Xos by Jos plans to open multiple channels for customers to acquire these “Drinkable Art” for investment or personal use. This includes the launch of an online store and potential temporary exhibitions in art galleries and shopping malls. The physical showroom for “Jos” located in Fortress Hill will serve as a hub for customers to make appointments to visit and learn more about the unique and valuable collection.
「堯」Xos by Jos 繼上一期在「世界高級品」雜誌(Luxury Watcher)介紹的兩個悠久威士忌品牌 Littlemill 和 Imperial 後,今期品牌創始人林麗娜女士(Lina Lam)繼續分享另一間恆久傳奇酒廠 Springbank 的故事,以及「堯」Xos by Jos 往後的發展。
此次採訪中帶出了「堯」Xos by Jos 酒藏方向的構思,分為普飲款及收藏款。單一麥芽威士忌酒藏系列不僅僅以酒品的升值或拍賣成交價為其收藏價值,更希望向客戶推廣鮮為人知的高品質佳釀,並推介珍貴罕有的酒品。在是次採訪中Lina介紹了其中最古老的獨立家族釀酒廠,一個蘇格蘭威士忌神話 ——「雲頂」 Springbank。採訪中更介紹了 「雲頂」 Springbank 長遠的歷史,酒廠對製作過程中每個細節的品質堅持,以及其產品線的多樣性。
此外,「堯」Xos by Jos未來將開啟多種渠道予客戶收藏這些「可飲用藝術品」Drinkable Art 作投資或自用用途,包括於四月份開放網上商店,計劃於藝術廊及商場作期間限定店展示,當中涵括《約》Jos炮台山旗艦店作為實體店,接待各位客戶預約上門。

Xos by Jos – Drinkable Art with the Investment Potential of Liquid Gold

Wealth is providence who build solid wealth base will never focus on short-term gains, and history of the art of single rare malts that have been perfected across the Isles, Lowlands and Highlands of Scotland for centuries. It is a special alchemy between man and nature that elicits the unique peaty, sweet, smokey, often seaweed scents distinct to each distillery. A special collection for discerning connoisseurs, collectors and investors.
Jos was showcased on ‘Luxury Watcher’ for the first time in 2023 and the Founder Lina Lam was interviewed for the collectible whiskies and the new establishment of Jos (Xos by Jos). During the interview, she revealed that Xos by Jos was founded at the end of the year 2022, and the brand will be focusing on precious metals, art pieces and rare malt whisky collections. Xos by Jos hopes to bring out the value of “Drinkable Art” and expects liquid gold to perform meaningfully at the new era. In Issue 94, Xos by Jos presents selected whisky collections from silent distilleries, including Littlemill and Imperial, which telling the story behind these silent distilleries throughout the years.
「堯」Xos by Jos – 具有投資潛力的「液體黃金」及「可飲用藝術品」。
「約」Jos 於 2023 年首次在「世界高級品」雜誌(Luxury Watcher)上刊登,創始人林麗娜女士(Lina Lam)就珍藏威士忌和「約」Jos 的新成立的分公司「堯」Xos by Jos 接受了採訪。在採訪中,她透露 Xos by Jos 成立於 2022 年底,該品牌將專注於貴金屬、藝術品和稀有麥芽威士忌等系列。「堯」Xos by Jos 希望可發揮「可飲用的藝術品」的價值,期待液體黃金在新時代有更有意義的表現。在雜誌的第 94 期中,「堯」 Xos by Jos 展示了來自 Littlemill 和 Imperial 等消失了的釀酒廠的精選威士忌系列,細說這些年來在沉默的釀酒廠背後的不同故事。