Luxury Watcher

Xos by Jos is recently continuous to be featured in “Luxury Watcher” magazine where Ms. Lina Lam, the founder of Xos by Jos shared the fascinating story of Springbank, a famous distillery known for its long history and excellent products. Lina also mentioned the future plans for the brand, which includes a whisky cellar offering both regular drinking and collectible options. The single malt whisky collection is positioned as a high-quality and rare product for customers, who are interested in investing or enjoying exceptional whisky.
Lina introduced Springbank, one of Scotland’s oldest independent family-owned distilleries, renowned for its commitment to quality and diverse product line. As a whisky business enthusiast, She highlighted the exceptional qualities and attributes of Springbank’s revered product line.
Moving forward, Xos by Jos plans to open multiple channels for customers to acquire these “Drinkable Art” for investment or personal use. This includes the launch of an online store and potential temporary exhibitions in art galleries and shopping malls. The physical showroom for “Jos” located in Fortress Hill will serve as a hub for customers to make appointments to visit and learn more about the unique and valuable collection.
「堯」Xos by Jos 繼上一期在「世界高級品」雜誌(Luxury Watcher)介紹的兩個悠久威士忌品牌 Littlemill 和 Imperial 後,今期品牌創始人林麗娜女士(Lina Lam)繼續分享另一間恆久傳奇酒廠 Springbank 的故事,以及「堯」Xos by Jos 往後的發展。
此次採訪中帶出了「堯」Xos by Jos 酒藏方向的構思,分為普飲款及收藏款。單一麥芽威士忌酒藏系列不僅僅以酒品的升值或拍賣成交價為其收藏價值,更希望向客戶推廣鮮為人知的高品質佳釀,並推介珍貴罕有的酒品。在是次採訪中Lina介紹了其中最古老的獨立家族釀酒廠,一個蘇格蘭威士忌神話 ——「雲頂」 Springbank。採訪中更介紹了 「雲頂」 Springbank 長遠的歷史,酒廠對製作過程中每個細節的品質堅持,以及其產品線的多樣性。
此外,「堯」Xos by Jos未來將開啟多種渠道予客戶收藏這些「可飲用藝術品」Drinkable Art 作投資或自用用途,包括於四月份開放網上商店,計劃於藝術廊及商場作期間限定店展示,當中涵括《約》Jos炮台山旗艦店作為實體店,接待各位客戶預約上門。