Enjoy to Manage the Props Design in 2024 – Section 6

Jos sincerely appreciates the recognition received from World Wrist Watch Magazine and eagerly looks forward to continuing the partnership. In Issue 181, Jos skilfully incorporates with different sovereign gold coins, collaborating the Eastern and the Western, using some precious yet luxurious gold coins and watches to enhance the splendour and festive atmosphere of the New Year. The magazine features exquisite watches from well-known brands such as Bulgari, Chopard, Omega, and Roger Dubuis, tagging on an element of elegance and awe. The combination of red and gold not only drives joyous spirit upon the watches but also states an aura of confidence and dignity. On top of that, it represents the plentiful traditions and blessings associated with the New Year. Jos wishes you a prosperous and joyous New Year, filled with good health, genuine happiness, and resounding success.
Jos《約》由衷感激《世界腕錶雜誌》的肯定,期待未來能繼續共創豐盛的成果。在第181期中,Jos《約》巧妙運用不同主權金幣作為佈景,結合東方與西方的合作,以珍貴且奢華的金幣和腕錶為新年增添貴氣和節慶氣氛。雜誌展示了寶格麗 (Bulgari)、蕭邦 (Chopard)、歐米茄 (Omega) 和羅杰杜彼 (Roger Dubuis) 等知名品牌的精緻腕錶,散發出華麗和令人驚嘆的魅力。紅色和金色的結合不僅為腕錶增添慶典的歡樂,亦能在穩重中帶出傲氣,同時也象徵著新年的傳統和祝福。Jos《約》祝願您在新的一年裡,身體健康,生活愉快,萬事勝意。